Pet Surgery

At Woodworth Animal Hospital, we understand that surgery can be a daunting and stressful prospect for pet owners. Rest assured, our skilled veterinary team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care for your beloved companions. Our surgical services cover a wide range of procedures aimed at enhancing the health and well-being of your pets. We make sure that you clearly understand the process from beginning to end, and will answer any questions that you have at any point. Your pet’s safety and comfort is our highest priority.

Pre-Surgery Instructions for Your Pet

Please do not feed your pet after 9 PM the night before surgery. Fasting is necessary to prevent food regurgitation under anesthesia, which can lead to serious complications. Water, however, is always okay and does not need to be withheld, we just ask for it to be picked up the morning of the procedure before bringing your pet in. If your pet is on pre-medications, please give them as directed unless instructed otherwise. Morning doses can be given with a small treat.

Elective and Specialty Spays & Neuters

Deciding to spay or neuter your pet is a significant step towards improving their health and wellbeing. By removing the reproductive organs, you are preventing unexpected litters and protecting your pets from various reproductive cancers and diseases. Spay and Neuter surgeries are a key component of preventative wellness care, ensuring your pet leads a longer, healthier life. We are equipped to take care all of the following: Spay, Neuter, Cryptorchid neuter, Pyometra spay and scrotal ablation

Ocular and Aural Surgeries

We provide expert ocular and aural surgeries to treat a variety of eye and ear conditions such as Aural hematoma repair, Cherry eye repair (tuck or laser), Entropion/Ectropion/ Third eyelid flap, Enucleation (eye removal), Lateral ear canal resection and Pinnectomy

Abdominal Surgeries

Abdominal surgeries include a range of surgeries that include the stomach or intestines as well as surgeries on abdominal structures such as the spleen and liver. There are many different types of abdominal and gastrointestinal surgeries such as Cystotomy (bladder stone removal), Gastropexy, Surgical liver biopsy, Splenectomy, exploratory laparotomy/ Foreign body removal. The exact nature of surgical care that your pet needs will largely differ and depend on the findings and pre-surgical planning done alongside our team. Whether such a procedure is performed as an emergency or planned, your pet will be in great hands.

Soft Tissue Surgeries

Our veterinarians perform a wide range of soft tissue surgeries that involve your pet’s internal organs, body wall, masses/tumors and other defects. Common veterinary soft tissue surgeries mass/tumor removals, laceration and wound repair, Mastectomy, Vulvoplasty and more


The term Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome refers to the combination of several problems involving the respiratory system. These are commonly seen in breeds such as the English bulldog, French bulldog, Pug, Pekingese, and Boston terrier. Soft palate resection is performed using a scalpel blade, scissors, or our surgical laser. Correction of stenotic nares, if present, helps improve breathing and is done at the same time. We offer both of these surgeries known as Rhinoplasty (stenotic nares) and Soft palate resection. These can also be easily done while your pet is under for spay/neuter!

Other Surgeries

We also offer a variety of other surgical procedures such as Amputations (leg, tail, toe), Anal Sacculectomy, Flush and pack anal glands, Flush nasolacrimal ducts, Hernia repair (Umbilical, Inguinal and perineal), Salivary gland surgery, Urethrostomy, Perineal urethrostomy, Abdominocentesis and Thoracocentesis

Overnight Care

Most surgical patients will go home the day of surgery but there are occasional situations where it is necessary for a patient to be monitored overnight after a procedure (such as a foreign body removal, splenectomy or a pyometra). All surgical patients are monitored continuously until they are stable and fully recovered from anesthesia, prior to discharge. If your patient is thought to be unstable or high risk, we may recommend transferring to a 24 hour facility for overnight monitoring. If a transfer is recommended, we will coordinate with a nearby emergency hospital but you will be required to transport your pet to the hospital.

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*Please note that your pet may not go into surgery first thing in the morning, as we have multiple procedures scheduled throughout the day. Occasionally, life-threatening emergencies may delay our schedule, and we appreciate your patience if this happens. When you pick up your pet, they may still be groggy and will likely need to rest and sleep once they get home.

Thank you for helping us provide the safest care for your pet!

Recovering from Surgery

Your pet’s recovery from surgery is just as important as the surgery itself. A proper recovery will help your pet heal quickly and correctly, helping you to avoid other issues such as slow healing and infections. When your pet is sent home from surgery, your veterinarian team will make several recommendations for keeping your pet comfortable and safe as they heal.

Consider the following tips for keeping your pet safe and comfortable during their recovery from surgery:

  • Ensure your pet has a quiet, comfortable space indoors
  • Avoid activities like running, jumping or climbing
  • Keep the incision area dry and clean
  • Prevent your pet from licking or scratching the incision area. Please utilize Elizabethan collars sent home with your pet (an alternative is the blow up versions you can pick up at your local pet store!)

You know your pet best, so if you notice any unusual behaviors after surgery or if you notice that the incision area looks swollen, red, or has a discolored discharge, call us right away. Any of these symptoms can be a sign of infection.

Is Anesthesia Safe?

Having a pet undergo anesthesia can be understandably worrisome for owners. Even in the human medical field, no anesthetic procedure is completely risk-free. Ensuring the comfort and safety of your pet during surgery is of utmost importance to us. Each patient receives a thorough pre-surgical exam and a personalized anesthetic plan tailored to their specific needs so we can provide comprehensive care before, during and after the surgical procedure. Each surgery patient has a Doctor, Licensed Vet Tech and assistant monitoring and caring for them the entire time they are with us.

Our veterinary team employs modern anesthesia techniques. We carefully monitor vital signs throughout the procedure including heart activity, ECG, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory system and temperature, and our experienced staff is trained to manage pain effectively. Our commitment to anesthesia and pain management reflects our dedication to providing a stress-free and comfortable experience for your pet, both during and after surgery.

If you have questions about anesthesia, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Laser Surgery

We are fortunate to offer laser surgery as an alternative to traditional scalpel surgery. The surgical laser uses a highly focused laser beam that seals blood vessels and nerve endings along the incision. A secondary benefit is killing any bacteria encountered along the surgical line. We highly recommend using the laser for all surgeries, especially those with a high bleeding potential.

Important benefits of pet laser surgery include:

  • Reducing post-op inflammation
  • Decreasing bleeding
  • Reducing post-op pain
  • Decreasing surgery and anesthetic time